Parish Council
What is the Parish Council?
A Parish Council is the administrative body of a Church community elected by its stewards for the purpose of working together with the Parish Priest or Proistamenos in fulfilling the mission and goals of that particular community.
This brief description of the local governing body of a Parish also explains a fundamental aspect of the structure of the Orthodox Church. Both clergy and laity are the “People of God,” who seek by the grace of the Holy Spirit to fulfill the mission entrusted to them to live and proclaim the Holy Gospel and the Holy Tradition of the Orthodox Church.
Current Parish Council Members
President: Jason Yianilos
Vice President: George Tsoukleris
Treasurer: Eleni Yiasemides
Secretary: Nicholas Roman
Stewardship Chair: Diane Simeon
Adamantios Makrinos
Christos Zourzoukis
Chris Papanastasiou
Danny Athanasaw
Gamal Salem
Parish Council Training Video
This is an education video with the purpose of training current and potential parish council members. One cannot separate the ministry of the Church from the management of the Church. The business of the church must be managed in a way that it supports the mission of the Church. For this reason, the parish council is an extremely important ministry in the life of a parish.